“Whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life”. John 4:14

Friday, June 17, 2011

First Week Complete!

I know it has been a while, but life at Shoshone just got a little more busy.

We had our first week of Idaho Servant Adventures! It was fantastic. It was sort of a practice week considering there were only 18 people, but it was a serious practice week. I feel so much more confident now, which is good considering 114 people roll in on Sunday. Including my favorite churches. My own of course and our Texas buddies. I am so excited I really can’t even explain it. All I know is a bit of home will be here this week. =]

Some of the best parts of my week included getting a postcard from the youth group at home, as well as a wonderful package from my aunt. The package included cookies, chocolate, pictures, a magazine and this neat little world religions book. So exciting to get mail! So please send me more. It totally brightens my day.  
This blog would be ridiculously long if I told you everything about my week, so I suppose I will just give a brief run down. The weather was depressing.  It poured rain all day every day. Well except for Tuesday. It was nice on Tuesday. This was not fun for piling brush into the back of a truck. Let’s just say I went through almost all my socks this week. Exciting thing was I got to drive a truck around camp! Wooo! I liked one of them, but camp has this old forest service truck that only has 3 gears. I was not a fan. Also, in order to get the key out of the ignition you have to push a button. So weird, and not like my car at all. I got to work with some pretty neat kids this week as well. The group I worked with a little in the beginning of the week were so hard working that on Tuesday they decided to work through lunch to get the project done. Such hard workers! I was quite impressed. That day I also got to work with the Jr ROTC group that was up here. They were a good group of kids, but could definitely use some team work. Hopefully our challenge course helped them a little bit. Anyways, I also got to hang with these fantastic girls who were just so fun and energetic. (Just like me!) They called my goulashes because of my rain boots.

I have come to the conclusion that Fridays are going to be my least favorite day. Groups head out and staff cleans for a couple hours. Not exactly the most enjoyable experience. High School kids are a bit too messy for my liking. I guess it will help me appreciating keeping my room and the house clean when I get back. (maybe) Today cleaning went fast even though we were missing half the staff, so I guess I can’t complain.
Anyways, totally loving the camp life. I got to make some nice lengthy phone calls home this week. Which was a nice little time to catch up. Especially with the love of my life. =] I am not a fan of our phone relationship but I know we will survive. I also feel so disconnected from friends. =[ I really miss friends and have no idea what is going on with them. It’s so weird, but I have so little time to call everyone I would love to talk to. So dear friends at home don’t think I have forgotten about you! I miss you all a ton! And hope to talk to you soon. But for now, it’s time to catch up on sleep and enjoy a day off. 

1 comment:

  1. Another great blog...we down here in California love hearing your stories too!
    By the way...another package on the way today!
